there is an interesting new feature coming up - auto-deletion. It enables you to delete all messages automatically after an hour (or when you want it to), both from your local device, and/or from the server.
Do you want to help testing?
For anyone who doesn’t want to test this feature with their normal mail account, you can try out a second feature as well - creating accounts per QR code! With ad-hoc account creation on testrun.org, you don’t need to use your own mail account.
A few steps to test:
Download and install the testing apk: https://download.delta.chat/android/nightly/2020-04-09/deltachat-gplay-debug-1.5.0.apk
Either login with your email account, or create a testrun account by scanning this QR code with Delta Chat:
When you use your normal account, backup your chat state (Really!), so you can restore the messages on your device. Be ready to lose all messages on the server, as well. Delta will not re-upload them after the testing.
Try out “Delete messages from server” with different time frames and verify they are gone (and check if it works later, as well). You can find it in the settings at “Chats and Media”. MDNs received before autodeletion are not tracked, so they will remain on the server.
Try out “Delete messages from server” with various other settings (“move to DeltaChat” folder or not)
Try out “Delete messages from device” with different time frames and verify device-space is freed (and check if it works later, as well)
Check whether everything works as expected and if you find any bugs, tell us - either here in the comments, or by opening an issue at Issues · deltachat/deltachat-android · GitHub.
Thank you!