Emoticones animados
Existe una aplicación de mensajería SMS llamada “Mood” que contiene Emoticones animados, a cada persona que se lo muestro se queda encantada con ella, es en extremo divertido este tipo de Emoticones.
El problema radica en que gasta batería y los Emoticones animados solo se ven en esa aplicacion las demás aplicaciones de mensageria los ven normal.
No tengo la menor idea de como hicieron eso, no se si es muy complicado su implementación, pero tengo la certeza de DC duplicaria los usuarios por solo usar Emoticones animados.
Animated emoticons
There is an SMS messaging application called “Mood” that contains animated emoticons, to each person that I show it is enchanted with it, it is extremely fun this type of emoticons.
The problem is that it spends battery and animated emoticons are only seen in that application the other applications of mensagery see normal.
I do not have the slightest idea how they did that, I do not know if it’s very complicated to implement, but I’m certain that DC would duplicate the users to only use animated emoticons.
We could include some animated emojis in deltachat and have an option to switch the emoji set to that one, but for that we first need an animated emoji set that we can use licensing wise and secondly a plan on how we can implement it in a way that is battery efficient.
Webp provides a better compression for animated pictures (yes it supports animated pictures) but, recently, @adbenitez showed me a Telegram feature that convert gif files to mp4 files and provides a better compression than webp.
I tried to get something better for such files using webm and webp instead without lucky. So I would recommend using mp4 with H264.
Sorry but I’m not a programmer, what did you mean by “license”, you mean that to have animated emoticons there to ask for permission from someone or something like that.
My idea with Emoji is that it does not generate traffic, not like stickers that are relatively heavy, but it seems that we will have to settle for the animated stickers.
stickers could be sent as in Pidgin where only a text representation is sent, for example: :funny_bunny: and then delta chat render the sticker with that id, this could save a lot of data transfer
Whats about add a possibility to download and use stickers pack locally for those cases in which someone has no internet connection?
Something like you but where delta chat would check if the pack is downloaded first and would try to use it before to load the version from the ipfs network (which requires an internet connection).
Also, it would be great if people don’t need to write stickers manually (but they could). When an sticker is know, is added to a menu in the conversation where people could select it graphically and have also the possibility to save the full pack locally.
Other menu not accessible from the conversations directly could be added to download full pack from a specific ipfs address.