Block / unblock group

Expected behavior

I’d like to have the possibility to block a group I accepted before, and find it in “blocked contacts” for eventually unblock it again.

Actual behavior

I can’t block a group I accepted before. I can delete it and then I will no receive any message on DC and I can’t see it anymore, but I’m still in and I find the emails when I use other clients.
Edit: after some days the deleted chat become available, the messages sent in this time are not shown.


1- I don’t want to leave a group but in this moment it’s too active for me;
2- I created another account with the same email address to menage some contacts/groups, I want to block that ones on my previous account.

blocking a group should not be used to temporarily stop receiving messages from that group and then unblocking and get the group back and start chatting, it should be deleted, and when you unblock it you only should see it again when someone else in the group sends a message, because otherwise you would have an old state of the group, since you have ignored all the group messages, avatar changes, member additions, etc. in the meanwhile

I also would like a way to block and unblock a group but for other reasons, for your use case it is better to temporarily leave the group and then join back automatically using an invitation QR of a friend that use to be online frequently or adding a bot to the group and using the bot’s invitation QR for the group, I am doing the later in a verified group that gets quite noise and I leave the group when I am busy

These are just two examples, actually the second is what I was trying.
However I think that the actual behavior (I’ve just edited it) is not correct.

If you don’t want to see messages in a group for some time, you can “mute notifications”. You can also leave it and ask others to re-add you later.

It’s not exactly what I was looking for, I explained better in the “twin” discussion: