The time has come for a new Desktop Release! Help us find the most
annoying bugs so we can make sure this update is ready to be released on
the website and in stores.
Release Highlights
Show thumbnail in chatlist of image, sticker and webxdc messages
Improved design for message search results
Removed upper limit on attachment size
Wake up from standby now reconnects more reliably
add new webxdc apis sendToChat and importFiles
Linux builds are made against debian 10 now, so the version requirement for glibc is lower, which means it will work also on older distros. (glibc 2.28 now instead of glibc 2.29)
Important: please backup your current setup (or most important accounts)
before upgrading in order to be safe when trying test-releases. You can
find this option under Settings > Chats and Media > Backup.
There is a text part included in the link which prevents on Windows Desktop version that the link is added as a link in the chat. Maybe also due to some characters not accepted as a link. Solution could be to ignore the text part or accept all characters in the text part when adding the link.
Hello ,
I’ve noticed a small bug that occurs occasionally.
Unfortunately, I can’t always reproduce it.
If you delete an account, it will still be displayed in the list afterwards.
When deleting the next one, either the same thing happens or both accounts disappear.
After restarting DC, they will be displayed as unconfigured accounts and can be deleted.
This problem occurs at least since DC-Desktop 1.36.4.
I wanted to delete the accounts to install a new version.
In my tests with the new one, the problem no longer occurred.
So I thought the bug was fixed and didn’t report it.
what OS are you on? maybe you could file an issue on github. I guess this is a problem in core with account deletion… but better file the issue in the desktop repo for now
Hi, not sure if this is a bug or a feature request? Probably also seen in earlier versions(?).
Shouldn’t the “Enter name or e-mail address” bar always be in focus after pressing the plus-sign? So I dint have to use my mouse to select the input bar.
This is only working here on Kubuntu 22.04 if I have selected “Device Message” and not if I’m reading an old message.
I would consider this a bug, you can file it on github if you want. correct focus and keyboard control in general is planned, but we did not get to doing it yet. Also thanks for reporting