Linux phones and flathub beta
Flathub Beta
The beta is out on flathub, the transition from dc-node to jsonrpc rpc binary npm package took its time, but now it’s finally available. If you wonder about version, it’s currently an in-between version between 1.45.4 and the upcoming 1.45.5 test release.
flatpak remote-add --if-not-exists flathub-beta
flatpak install flathub-beta
read more about beta repos on How to use flathub-beta - Tutorials and Tips - Flathub Discourse
Small Screen Mode makes it usable on linux phones.
It got warm, probably because electron is a resource hog. Also beware of the graphical glitches (see the send button).
Anyways this use case is not officially supported, if you can try deltatouch or maybe the tauri version (That I’ll make soon) works more efficient.
Or contribute to kdeltachat or one of the other clients ( List of all know Client Projects) to make them a viable alternative in the future, currently there are many missing features in those clients.