IA-32 (x86_32) bit build

Make a 32 bit desktop version for Linux/Win for an old computer (netbooks and cheap laptops with 2-4 Gbs of RAM). Is this hard to do? I would use this.


me too :wink:

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us win/linux users will love it. and it will great a web client too.

Building deltachat-desktop on a 32bit system should be possible I think, but currently we don’t have enough ressources to support & maintain this. Manually building it should be possible.

Maybe they can make one manually, and update it only after a long time, just so that these users have at least a chance to use Delta, clarify that it is not a version endorsed by the DeltaChat team.

just a little idea.

Oh didn’t know that it’s such a big request. I once made a working 32bit build for windows, so it should be possible for linux too.

I made an unofficial experimental build for debian in an 32bit vm:

My try on an 32bit windows vm failed, it was unable to compile the core there. The solution is probably to cross compile libdeltachat.so on 64bit win and just build the native-node-module and link it on 32bit. maybe there are even ways to cross-compile all of it.

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