Please, implement encryption of attachments and text messages while they are stored locally on the device. Apps with root access can read unencrypted text and see attachments. For instance, look how it is done in Signal and may be Threema (which is not open source). Is it possible?
sure it is possible, however, it has to be done anyway however, afaik, there are also some issues filed for that.
wanted to note here that the “apps with root access” cannot be run on a “normal” unrooted phone. so it is not a general issue.
I like this Idea, my personal problem is, that I need the Mails not encrypted on server because of Outlook and other Thunderbird Installation. If you plan to encrypt files on phone than they have to be per device without any effect on the situation inside the app.
Another vote to encrypt the database, a simple password without use of PGP would do for me. Thanks!
Or ask your mail provider to improve remote content storage
Is TREES different than dovecoat plugin crypt
Rust crate Delta.Chat uses for SQLite supports SQLCipher.
For instance, look how it is done in Signal and may be Threema (which is not open source). Is it possible?
Signal uses SQLCipher: Signal >> Blog >> Storage management for Signal Android
Delta.Chat could probably migrate to SQLCipher too. However, attachments are currently stored outside the database, in so-called “blob directory”. It should be moved into the database to take advantage of encryption.