Make it possible for users to search through messages using the calendar tool

Today I was wondering how I could help improve the delta chat application and I came up with something.

After using the delta chat for over 6 months, I have noticed that it is not possible to search through a particular message due to the lack of a search feature embedded within the search interface. I’m suggesting that the developers should include a search feature within the chat interface so that users can search through messages by choosing a day. When the search feature is clicked, it should display a calendar for a user to pick a specific date to search for a message.


I really wish for such a function.
I’ve been using DC for a while now and of course the chat histories are getting longer.
If you then look for the chat of a certain day, it quickly becomes cumbersome.
Either you scroll until you find the date or you try to jump to the point you are looking for in the chat by entering keywords. Both not ideal.
I’m always amazed that no current messenger except Telegram has such a function.
Just doesn’t seem to matter to most users.
This used to be standard with many old-school messengers: Miranda, for example. At least with the history plugin. If I remember correctly, the official ICQ client also had a date search.