One can scan OR code to access a particular chat via a given OR image. Within the chat-profile, reachable via ”view-profil“ in the chat-menuthe corresponding OR for a chat can be found and shared letting others join the group.
One can use the OR here to join the chat “Comprehensive Manual Delta Chat”, if still existing.
The error, bug?, arosen, while clicking the picture and chose “share” on android 4… obiviosly opening delta chat quickly (so a very “smart” and pulling stuff, those QR’s, as it seems. This arose:
…and chosen “report Bug” (then via, selecting Delta-dev) opened DC but seems to end there, at least to new chat or something was seen.
thanks but onprem server need a lot of config.
I think advanced setup qr code implemented yet.
email address
existing password
imap login name
imap server
imap port
imap security
smtp login name
smtp password
smtp server
smtp port
smtp security
authorization method
certificate checks
I install and configure autoconfig (thanks man!) solved my problem.
how can I change the “certificate checks” to “strict”? I can’t find it autoconfig parameter (I guess its not supported).
If somebody of you here feels inspired to explain what you are even talk about it might be surely useful for many (someone like my person understands only “railway-station” = e.g. chips and bites are known just in other context) *smile*
Currently it can only be done manually by the user in “advanced settings” or by adding a record to (even empty one with your domain is sufficient). We have already introduced this “strict” setting, changed the default for provider database to “strict” recently and I plan to change the meaning of “Automatic” for new setups to strict, so strict is opt-out, not opt-in. Unfortunately, we can’t enable it immediately for every unknown provider, because it will break existing setups with providers using self-signed certificates.