Native Client for Linux based mobile OS

This can be fixed by setting PKG_CONFIG_PATH so it finds libdeltachat in /usr/local. Whether it is done for you depends on the distribution, both installing into /usr and configuring paths to search in /usr/local are valid solutions. I am trying not to change the defaults in CMakeLists.txt so package build systems, such as *BSD ports, Gentoo portage, Arch PKGBUILDs that have a “preset” to build cmake packages work out of the box.

This is because of breaking change Connectivity view (instead of spamming the user with error_network when sth fails) by Hocuri · Pull Request #2319 · deltachat/deltachat-core-rust · GitHub merged recently. You need a bit older libdeltachat for now.

np, but there is a PM on the forum, click on your avatar then on the “messages” tab (third from the left) twice, then “New message”.

It’s a sad state of the Rust compiler, hopefully it will be fixed with GCC Rust or some other alternative implementation. Anyway, it’s better to build a package with libdeltachat on your desktop instead. You can also use Nix package manager which already has a package for libdeltachat, see this topic about KDeltaChat: