Notify contact requests (let's discuss about this)

show your support at Make Contact Requests more visible to make the developers aware of this :slight_smile:

I think that there should be notification settings for the contact requests just like for a group. E.g., I would enable notifications but limit them to one a day.

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Perdón pero no se nada de ingles
Mi opinión es la siguiente, el formato de cliente estándar está muy difundido mundialmente, para poder llegarle a usuarios básico, no se le deve complicar tanto la aplicación, que todos los mensage entres como Chat y que el usuario después los bloques si no los desea o los silencie si desea. Pero que al menos notifiqué, no me considero un novato y en ovaciones no me entero cuando alguien nuevo me escribe.

Sorry, buy I don’t talk English,
My opinion is the following, the classic email is widely used, to be accessible to non-tech users, the app shouldn’t be so complex(TRANSLATOR NOTE: he refers to the current UX of the contact request), all messages could come as chats and let the user decide to block/silence them as needed. But that at least notify the user, I don’t consider my self a newbie and sometimes I’m miss the messages from new (wanted)contacts request.

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At the end we need at least an alert for new messages in contact request!

it’s not ok to manually poll contact requests only for not to dismiss a wanted message there.

@adbenitez made a good proposal


BTW, @agutierrez welcome to the forum!

I don’t think it is a good idea to allow all messages from unknown contacts as you suggest, also I don’t even like the way contact requests work for contacts that use Delta Chat, because it could be abused by spammers anyway, so having all contact request in the contact request view(which needs improvements since currently it is only a bunch of messages) and make users more aware of contact requests in a way it isn’t disturbing like Make Contact Requests more visible or some other solution, could improve the UX.

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also having an opt-in setting to notify(notification bar) users when they have a contact request, (something like “new contact request from X” not notification for every message a new contact sends) could be useful.

I know we agree on the visibility and notification option, just like to add something.

I think it would make sense to be honest and say “contact request” was an unfortunate misnomer for deltachat.
In reality it is likely more understandable to refer to further emails as “emails”.

but what I am saying is not to treat every email of an unaccepted contact as independent but to group them all, this would be better when dealing with spam or lots of messages, to have the contact request view to look just like the normal chatlist view, just like Spike does, it is better to group them as a chat list than a messy bunch of bubbles messages

Yes, that’s what I gathered from

and fully agree.

Reusing the chat-list view for the list of emails, now that’s a darn good one! :slight_smile:
Why has nobody thought of that, very nice! Just thinking of how it can ease manual checking and management of the emails. (Not withstanding, of course, a different default download policy (headers only), also-delete-on-server by default, and other email clients managing and deleting messages in the inbox.)

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Good proposal :slight_smile:
But in every case there should be a hint of new messages into that.
For me that’s the main thing in the moment!


So, as I see, we will have a chat list with accepted contacts and another chat list with “contact requests”. I think you could access each of them, just by sliding the lists, to the right or to the left so as not to complicate with more buttons.

Yes. Having the option to turn on/off notifications for “Contact Requests” would be awesome.


Having notifications for “Contact Requests” that’s the first target to reach.
We have this discussion for years now.



I’m also linking here to a post I just made on another thread but I think it’s relevant:

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I think this could be implemented without much fear, DeltaChat by default, is configured to interact only with users who use DeltaChat, this feature by itself is a powerful spam blocker, if a user changes this configuration and decides to allow DeltaChat to receive all emails, then the user will have to assume the possible consequences,


Notifications will be displayed for messages arriving into contact requests chats in the next version (core version > 1.60).


Finally, we should be there at least in the near future, as I understood it.

But I’d really like that if I choose the “All emails” option, that the ‘Request’ can be completely disabled, because it’s unnecessary in this case, especially if the senders of the emails are people who are in the address book.

Why do I have to accept someone if they are already in my address book?
It doesn’t make sense

But I’d really like that if I choose the “All emails” option, that the ‘Request’ can be completely disabled because it’s unnecessary in this case

read receipts are not sent to unaccepted chats.

for known contact, yes, maybe chat requests could be bypassed - on the other hand, it is only one simple tap, so, if in doubt, it is probably better as it is now :slight_smile:

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