@thjderjktyrjkt I guess deleting sent messages could be done in a best-effort kind of way and similar to how WA and others do it. Last time i checked one could delete WA messages if they are just a few minutes ago, and i think it also takes into account if the other side has already seen the message (if not, then it’s arguably less of an issue to delete). For now, i wouldn’t suggest to go for per-chat (or any other options) to further influence deletion behaviour. Maybe someone here could try to analyse or research WA’s delete-message behaviour more in depth and describe it here?
@sandra Your suggestions wrt delayed-sending make sense but it’s quite some effort. I think it’s easier and more versatile to go for delete-messages-after-sending. If this is between people using Delta chat the message would dissappear (see above), also from the server of the receivers. For regular e-mail users they would see an additional message with a standard header but there is not much support for this from regular mail apps.
delete-messages is more implementation effort than it might seem because it requires UI changes/feedback on all platforms, as well as “core” changes where all interactions with e-mail servers take place. Respective code needs to be reviewed and tested very carefully because deleting the wrong message is potentially hazardous.
Note also that @Simon created and maintains this list of potential features for documentation and further decision purposes.