Setting ‘No, chats only’ for ‘Show Classic E-Mails’ showing classic emails

Previously Delta Chat downloaded 100 last mails from the Inbox right after installation. Now it does not download any emails after installation. Only if you receive a new email after installing the application, the email will be downloaded.

There is now a Desktop build with this bug fixed available for testing:

You can use it to see if the current solution is satisfactory by downloading it and setting up a new account with your existing mailbox.

Oops, someone broke one of the Cardinal Rules for Developers … Never ever ever change a default setting after initial release. :slight_smile:

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What about just asking the user when they finished adding the account?
Because some people expect to see all their e-mails in their new e-mail client
and others will be very confused seeing all their e-mails in their new chat client.