Stickers of Delta Chat

Mostrar los stickers de DC, no sólo en la parte de edición de imágenes, sino también en la de edición de mensage, para enviarlos de forma independientes, creo que le daríamos un doble uso y DC sería un poco más divertido.
También pienso que se permita hacer su propio “banco” de Stickers, por ajemplo, me enviaron uno, lo guardo en mi “banco” y así lo tengo a mano para usarlo cuando desee.
Esto se guardaría localmente, y estaría disponible mediante alguna opción desde la edición de un mensage nuevo.


Show the stickers of DC, not only in the editing part of images, but also in the edition of message, to send them independently, I think we would give a double use and DC would be a little more fun. I also think that you allow yourself to make your own “bank” of Stickers, for example, they sent me one, I keep it in my “bank” and so I have it on hand to use it whenever I want. This would be saved locally, and would be available through some option from the editing of a new message.


Maybe you could use some pictures to show what you mean :slight_smile:

@agutierrezI know there is the language barrier, but still, I would appreciate if you looked at List of Feature Proposals first, as we already have two topics about stickers, where you can add your ideas. To avoid duplication and make it easier to follow the discussions. :wink:
So next time please look there first for your feature proposal. :slightly_smiling_face:

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No tengo idea de como mostrarlo en imágenes.
Pero dejame bolverlo a explicar:
Los sticker que están el la parte de edición de imagen solo se pueden usar para eso, porque no poner un acseso directo desde donde escribimos mensages nuevos para poder enviar algunos de estos sticker de forma independiente.
Cuando en WhatsApp o telegram o Messenger abres los Emoticones también se muestra Stickes y gif
La idea es similar pero usando los que DC tiene incluidos. Bueno tampoco estaría mal si se le agregan más.

I have no idea how to show it in images. But let me bolverlo to explain: The sticker that is in the image editing part can only be used for that, because we do not put a direct access from where we write new messages to be able to send some of these sticker independently. When in WhatsApp or telegram or Messenger you open the Emoticons Stickes and gif are also displayed The idea is similar but using the ones DC has included. Well it would not be bad if you add more.

My apologies, I take note, recently I noticed the search engine included in the page that will make it much easier to find the topics. I had just dedicated myself to reading and reading and I did not notice.


It would be really cool to see animated stickers too. Are there plans for the coming months to implement this feature?

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AFAIK the current implementation status is:

  • we have a sticker message type in the core :white_check_mark:
  • desktop (and android too?) displays stickers without the image border :white_check_mark:
  • core still needs a system to cache and send sticker packs (idea was to send the sticker pack with the sticker the first time and for the other times the sticker is send in a low quality preview with an id to save network traffic.)
  • desktop currently has its own sticker system for previewing the feature (in which all pngs in a folder are taken and displayed as stickerpack and on send they are sent in full quality) :white_check_mark:
  • we looked at animated sticker libraries but before we implement animated sticker we should implement the ground work for stickers in general first IMO

When a sticker creation system is implemented, I will make my contribution here on the forum. :grin:

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Guessing what other people told about Telegram stickers, since officially these stickers (the animated ones at least) need propietary tools (Adobe After Effects) to be generated and free tools support is being worked by just a person and being experimental + not being standard.

So that, I would propose SVG/SVGz static and dynamic (with animations) for stickers.