Welcome to the Delta Chat forum

Welcome to the Delta Chat forum! Good to see you around!

This forum is your place to ask questions and learn more about Delta Chat, your favorite E-Mail messenger.

  • you can ask for help and also help other users
  • join discussions about new features and even start a discussion for a new feature you’d like to see
  • pick up a feature and help building it up
  • stay up to date and get announcements about Delta Chat

Be excellent to each other!


hi! this is a f****g clear sentence, isn’t it?


hi there :slight_smile: nice new forum :slight_smile:



nice to be able to use markdown.
heise.de is a link …


Thanks for working on one of the most important open source projects out there. Keep up the good work.
Wish to contribute in any way.


Like it says on the tin, journo here.

Just about hit the floor when I read the DeltaChat app concept. Having worked in remote island communities with patchy, slow net for decades, the idea of an email-based open-source chat service is bloody thrilling.

Look forward to kicking tyres and asking awkward questions, but for now, no rush, just really impressed at the resurrection of the oldest and still most rock solid online technology from 30 years ago and making it brand new again.

Having tried all sorts of flash new web3+ stuff, I always try to look for simple, easy, free and ethical apps that can help remote e.g. island peoples save rare dollars on absurdly expensive data charges, especially here in Oceania.

If there’s anything I can do to help as a writer with a few media contacts, lemme know. I’ll report bugs and any missing links etc of course.

Best, best wishes for team DC !

. . .


are you still around, @jasonbrown.journo ?

when you are going to add to Delta Chat the options that one can see when they are

“writing or typing”
“sending audio”
“sending files”

Hi Nadroy, it is not feasible for the system used (e-mail), because it would require having a server to redistribute the information and the concept of distributed service would disappear.

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yo what

Hello everyone!

simmon, join in delta chat…also, korean translation complete…! thanks


Hi There, anyone home?

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Hello to all the Delta Chat community.

My name is Southside and I am a community member from Autonomi here to explore your app with a view to possible integration with Autonomi. Our new p2p network requires mail and chat apps and why bother reinventing the wheel when it looks like you lot are doing a great job anyway?

Delighted to talk to anyone who is interested : here or over on https://forum.autonomi.community

DeltaChat was first mentioned here

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Sometime I wonder whether we should close this topic so people open new topics instead of asking questions here? What’s the mood on this?

  • Keep it open
  • Close it
  • Don’t care
0 voters

:star_struck: cool stuff

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This is my first time logging into this forum and I only write in this topic the first generic things I want to say, no need to answer me, it is just as an introduction.

I have been using Deltachat for a while, I tried it after reading about how it works and I must say it is brilliant.

Some of the features I think are nice:

  1. development is transparent and the people behind it look like people and not robots. This means that it is very easy to share decisions made by the development team.
  2. decentralized and federated by default, you can choose who you entrust your data to or even open your own server with already standard procedures
  3. your messages are encrypted and you can control it since you have access to your databases (webmail) unlike other chats
  4. I also use it to check my emails and sometimes to send them (although the support is not 100% complete, to send a simple email is more than enough)
  5. I see very interesting new features developing even though at the same time everithings remains very simple and rational, kudos!

I also tested with a simple firewall the client communications and I must say that there is a great peace and tranquility in deltachat :slight_smile:

I joined because I wanted to ask some questions and another surprise, you can use the forum by logging in with your deltachat account! great!
Only thing I want to add here is that I only succeeded with a “nine.testrun” account while I had not succeeded with a “bcc.chat” account, However, I don’t know if it was simply because I didn’t have enough patience to wait for a response from the data-identity bot, so don’t take me seriously if this is something that seems incorrect to you!

That is all, W deltachat!


I’m afraid I’m having login problems. I changed my password, and now it doesn’t work, but more problematically, I don’t seem to be getting password reset emails or sign-in-via-link emails. I signed up for a new account, using the same email address, and got the signup e-mail for that right away. The new account (this one) seems to work fine. It would be nice to find out what went wrong with my old one (username “Minim”), but I can just keep using this account if it’s easier for the forum maintainers.

Moved this misplaced request to Forum account e-mails not received