(After the discussion (or notice) that support will be dropped, e.g. here and here)
IMHO it is crucial for the success that deltachat continues to and operates well using one’s (existing!) account for both, chat and email. This is the key feature for deltachat adoption, network effects, and provider support (e.g. organizational recomendations). Who would want to break that?
Instead of dropping support for automatically sorting chat messages into a separate folder, any bug related to the IMAP and message handling should be fixed with some priority, because it affects all users and impairs the overall usage.
The drafting that aims to reach the “done right” status some day was only started at:
https://github.com/deltachat/deltachat-core/wiki/Use-Cases (user options and defaults)
GitHub - deltachat/deltachat-core: Delta.Chat C-Library with e2e chat-over-email functionality & Python bindings (background message handling)
It was done to arrive at solutions with your feedback.
For example, ways to solve this problem:
“Hey, my friend send a mail but it’s not in my INBOX, damn it …
oh it’s in DeltaChat – why the hell is it there?”
I don’t expect [that], unless it is a reply to the chat.
It’s a bug!
The current use-cases draft (above) envisions to solve this situation by:
(1) Having deltachat provide an overview for two things:
- a chat view that lists chats (read and answerd messages in chat folder, unanswerd still in INBOX), and easily undoable “tentative chats” for new messages from known contacts (message still in INBOX, allows user to choose the default email/chat preference for further messages from this contact)
- and a new emails counter, linking to a view that lists the classic emails in the INBOX folder (without recognized chat messages).
(2) Use a message size limit to automatically identify emails considered as chat messages
(3) And to cover possible selection errors, as the user notices wrongly selected messages in deltachat quickly (due to the instant notification), provide an easy way to re-assign wrongly selected message back to the classic email INBOX again.
Optionally, it might also be a good option for some users to leave all current chat messages (but flagged seen) in INBOX until they are actually replied to in deltachat, thus to only move them into the chat folder after a reply got sent, allowing to also read and answer chat messages with classic email clients. (While chat messages always appear as alreday “seen” in classic clients to reduce the distrubances by high frequency chat traffic.)